Foam Replacement – Redeem Your Couch’s Value

If you’re trying to sell your couch online on Craigslist or a similar site, there’s a good chance that you’re probably not going to get much for it. Why? Well, although your couch is probably in perfectly good condition, after having been used for a few years, the foam inside the cushions has probably lost some of its original texture and firmness. Foam replacement is extremely cheap and can give your couch a boost when you put it online for sale. You can easily double or triple your investment when you go to sell your used couch online after you’ve brought it back up to a new quality.

Craigslist is a great place to get rid of your used furniture. If you’re in a college town or somewhere where there is a high turnover of residents, you can get great money back on your purchases. Many times couches will trade hands a number of times before actually being retired to the trash. A few replacement foam treatments along the way will do wonders for the life of the couch and you can really stretch the life and value of the chair without stretching your wallet.

Before you jump into buying sofa foam replacement, you should get measurements of your chair cushion setup. There’s typically a sticker on the bottom of your couch that will give you an indication of what size cushions and seat backs you have, as well as what type of foam can be used to put into the cushions when you come to replace it. If you can’t get this information, see if it’s online from the manufacturer’s website or use a site like to start gathering the info you need.