Easy Steps to Health and Fitness

Over the years I have continually heard of a fitness program that is comprised of 8 simple principles. Although knowing of them I have never specifically looked to see if I was actually regularly following these 8 principles. Finally I took the plunge and made my new years resolution to calculate out each week my progress in these principles. 

The 8 principles are encapsulated in the words N.E.W. S.T.A.R.T. outlined below.
Nutrition (4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables each a day)
Exercise (30 minutes of exercise a day)
Water (8-10 glasses of water a day)
Sun Shine (20-40 minutes of direct sunlight a day)
Temperance (denying self of bad things and having self control each day)
Air (3 deep breathing exercises a day) Consists of breathing in deeply, holding it 5-10 seconds, then out 10 times.
Rest (7-9 hours each day)
Trust in God (Devotions such as prayer and bible readings throughout the day)
So here is what I did. I calculated out each principle 1-100% based on how well I did to get the recommend amount listed. For example if I drank 4 or 5 glasses of water I would give myself around 50% in that category. At the end of the day I would be able to add each category up and get an ending percentage for the day. At the end of the week I would be able to add up all the final day percentages and see how I did for the week.
I was very surprised to see that I was only living at 60% of my potential in these areas. I have been able to get the percentages up to 80% and am amazed at the results. I am a pretty healthy person yet I never knew how much healthier I could be. Actually taking a closer calculated look at these 8 principles has really given me a boost in my health and fitness.

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