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Business, Page 2

The Story of Phillips Company

By Samuel Phineas Upham Gerard Phillips, and his father Frederik, founded the Phillips Company in 1891. Gerard wanted to make carbon-filament lamps, …

History of Keno

Keno is an extremely popular and engaging online game found on most internet cafe sweepstakes software. Keno can best be described as …

The Importance of a Good Cushion

Most people spend their days sitting down—in the office, while in the car, at home, or while waiting for the bus— for …

Arizona Seaport

After the Gadsden Purchase, a team of surveyors were mapping the borderline and when they reached Nogales, after a long trek through …

First post

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from …